Developed in 1991 by LINUS BENEDICT TORVALDS. He kept his name of the Operating system, taking "X" from UNIX. He was a software engineer and a hacker. However, the official release date of LINUX is 1995.

LINUX can be used:

1.     With any hardware
2.     As a server machine
3.     As a client machine

LINUX is majorly used in the client-server architecture.

Like in Windows, administrator is the main user.
In Linux, root is the main user.


Compared to windows, linux is much more secure because virus do not attack linux operating system.

Windows is a single user operating system whereas linux is a multiuser operating system.There can be 'n' number of users logged on to a single unix/linux machine at a single point of time.

Windows OS does not support multiprograming, whereas Linux does. 
(Windows always asks to close all other running programs while installation.The conclusion is that no two installations cannot run on a windows OS at the same time, whereas linux supports this.)
Once the installation is completed, we need to restart the OS in case of Windows, as the changes are applied to the kernel only after booting the OS. Whereas in Linux, changes to the kernel are made immediately and we need not restart the OS.

The above difference between linux and windows is the major difference that seperates LINUX/UNIX from the other Windows OS. Hence, most of the major companies handling databases make use of Linux.

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